Large Format Pinhole Cameras
Building your own camera. Many people built a pinhole camera while in grade school or maybe as late as high school. It's a novelty, and the results reflect that. I built one using the carboard box a pack of 35mm film came in, cut out the end and put a piece of aluminum foil with a hole punched in. It produced an image, if you squinted just right, and the results reflected that. The project was never duplicated. Until last week. There are many forums dedicated to pinhole photography. I never looked into them. However, I was reading some text books I got on Amazon ($0.01 each, $3.99 shipping, brand new 1000 page physics texts) about light and came across a few things. This got me thinking. Seems there are certain ratios, and when followed, give reasonable focus to light when followed. In the camera world, there is a thing known as an f stop, or the amount of light allowed in by a lens. The f stop is determined by the diameter of the lens and the distance to the film plane...