Customizing the user interface for my Mini-Computer (updates 9/2016)
More on my Mini-Computer One of the requirements of having a time-share computer system is having a user interface that makes everything seamless. One point to log in, and commands that allow tasks to be farmed out to the various processors with the user not having to deal with internal details. For example, when the user type print [filename] , he/she shouldn't have to know that the print spooler is on processor 1 even though he is running a program on processor 3. Unix (and by default Linux) works very well for a lot of things. One of the things is does NOT do well is tie multiple processors together for many users. The Primos operating system, DEC's RSTS and a few others do a good job of it. They were written from the ground up as time share operating systems. DEC's RSX-11 was not. MS-DOS also was not. When a user connect to and types on a unix-based operating system, he/she does not actually talk to the operating system. There is a program called a shell tha...